It's actually pretty good. The only problem is the... mastering :/
Sure, it sounds much better than the first, you gotta admit that. The problem is that when everything comes in everything overlaps and it becomes a mess of sounds mashed into each other, and makes it hard to listen to.
Whenever there is a kick it goes over the sounds aswell, and the main melody overlaps with the bassline. Which makes it quite unconfortable to listen to on a good sound system. The bassline just goes over the background pads and that's kinda annoying aswell.
You should probably try to equalize each instrument so they don't overlap if you know what I mean. That'll be a great step.
Another reason why I'm giving you a 7 is because your melody is really repetitive. It is a simple melody and that is not a problem since sometimes the simplest melodies are the best. The thing is it's just the same, moved into different octaves and with different instruments, it's always the same notes all over again (even tough they're not nessesarly into the same order).
Overall, it's good, but boring to listen to after a while. You gotta improve your mastering and add another melody. Other than that, everything is really good. There's something really awesome in this song, I just don't know what.
6.5 (7) / 10, 3.25 (3) / 5
Good job, now take it to the next level :)
- lemon42