
22 Audio Reviews w/ Response

All 39 Reviews

Hey Denny, I'm glad to hear you're posting on here!

I really like the energy in this track. High violin staccatos, drumkit cymbals, electric guitars, and crazy flangers and effects! What's there not to like? I haven't heard the original so I'm not able to judge based on the previous version, but it definitely sounds like you went all in with this one.

Here's my take: I feel like some of the drums in there are... kind of out of place? Not sure how to better explain myself, but the main drums are really great for the main chorus section with all the big horns and ambiance going on in there, but when you start going into the breakdown, the part around 00:30 feels like the drums are slightly too present there - which then get toned down further around 00:49.

Another small issue I have is that the low-end feels kind of muddied. I don't know if it's the drums that have too much of a resonance in that area, or if perhaps it's the bit of reverb (is there any?) on them that give it almost too much presence to my taste - which is weird since they are actually quite quiet (yes I just did this pun) in your mix.

On that note, I absolutely love the drum work. The drumkit just feels right at home with all the other instruments and everything kind of just blends beautifuly. How do you do this? Teach me!

In any case, this is fantastic and you are definitely an artist I'll be looking out to hear more from. Thanks for the great track!

Danman87 responds:

Thanks so much for the in-depth review man! Some of the kicks were layered with super old GM samples, so maybe that's where the perceived muddiness is coming from. If anything, then I actually thought people would think of it as a little too snappy, so maybe I oversteered with the reverb there a bit! Super glad you liked it regardless on that!

Don't worry about the old version by the way, let's just pretend it always sounded like this track! :D

I'm sort of disappointed you didn't tell me this was FINALLY out, but I'll try not to bias my review :')

Okay so! I absolutely love that flute at the beginning. Yes, both of them. They're so perfect, the way they interact with each other is right on. I really like the swell transition, although personally after that I wouldn't have put in the harp in the background, or at least not the lower pitched one! I think it counter balances too much in the bass area. Or is that the guitar? I'm not sure, but I wouldn't have put a plucked string in there. I'm not sure what though, maybe some air instrument? I dunno!

The melody is just... hmm, how could I describe it? Majestic! That's the one. Everything just works... how do you do this?! D:

The lower part right after with the guitar melody, I always wait out for that one. Every time it's just so chill but it has some sort of energy to it, it's weird! Bagpipes fit great, though I think the mixing could've been a tad more balanced (less bagpipes, more guitar!), but maybe that's just because I love that guitar so much :p!

When you start hitting those glass mallets... wow! I'm running out of adjectives. Melody comes back in a softer, calmer tone. Slower... zen. And then those strings! The waves hitting in the background. The little chimes. I don't think I've heard this much attention to detail from any of your songs before. This is a big "step" forward! (sorry I couldn't help myself -- IT HAD TO HAPPEN OKAY)

All in all, it's great. I do think there are minor flaws but those may just be personal taste. Besides, you've worked on this for so long, you deserve to release. I remember when this was just an early prototype, it has evolved so much! I'm so glad it's arrived at this state. Please make more, this is amazing. You are amazing!

Step responds:

Oh man, I read this review like five times over, I liked it so much. Thanks man!

The woodwind at the beginning is more specifically the Jubal Flute VST by Embertone, along with a piccolo by samulis. They definitely do work well together.

I wouldn't remove the harp glissandi. I timed them with the movements of the character in the animation, and I think they're pretty nifty. I see what you mean about the lower-pitched harp though (that's actually a guitar! :p). I personally like how it sounds but I definitely think I could've made it a bit less bassy, since I didn't intend for that section to have so much bass.

Hate to toot my own horn but I actually really like the melodies I wrote here. I'm proud of them. Glad you like them too!

That guitar section is pretty neat, yeah! I was dying to continue it, but in the animation the character instantly lifted off for flight again after that brief moment of tension, so that guitar part was unfortunately short-lived.

I'm glad you like the slower section too! I never thought I was that good at writing soft music, so I'm always insecure about the quality of them.

Ooh, style points for the step pun.

Anyway, thanks for the awesome review.

Good stuff!

I really like the tone of the track. It sets for an energetic feel, which is sustained by some epic melodies playing on some really nice instruments! I really like the way it's all put in together. It all works very well, I enjoyed it! However, there's still room for improvement.

Melody-wise, it was perfect. I don't think it lacked anything. The instrument variety was there, it kept things interesting. I liked the way the acoustic guitar and piano came in to create counterpoint at those very moments. It all works beautifully together.

Something that really bothered me is the mastering. The low frequencies all seemed mushed together and it made everything sound very muddy. I think you wanted to create an effect of power, however here it doesn't really work. You seriously need to EQ them out a bit! I think they are clashing with your double bass, too. I could barely hear it!

From what i understood however, you recorded a lot of those instruments yourself right? That's awesome! I loved the tremolo on the violins. They just add so much so musical compositions, yet a lot of people seem to forget about them! I don't really have a whole lot of money, and being a student, I lack time to learn how to play these instruments. If I ever do find it, I most certainly will! For now, I mostly work digitally. I think it's awesome you're playing all the instruments live! I saw the video and yeah. Awesome stuff.

My only suggestion at this point is you try and work on your mastering. The mix was definitely muddy and didn't sound crisp and clear as one would expect. Lower the levels on your drums, make them a tad higher on your violin, add some EQ to add some sparkle (try it on instruments and percussion!). Mastering is though, you'll need to keep a balance while also trying not to squash away the dynamics. I'm still learning too, don't worry! The more you practice, the better you'll get.

I think you did a wonderful job on this. Definitely needs some work on the mastering, but globally the piece is well thought and well put together. Props to you my friend~!

Basset-Hound responds:

Hey Thanks for the review! I really appreciate it. You are right about the EQing/Mastering on the track being the main weak point (along with a few sharp notes here and there).

This was one of my first multi-track recordings where I used almost all the instruments I owned (along with some brand new ones like the flutes and the french horn) so there was a lot of experimenting with how to record those things and mix them. It was my first time mixing a massive song like this so it was very hard. I still think recording, mixing and mastering is one of the things I should work on but I can also see improvement in my newer recordings so its going somewhere :)

Thanks for the review and tips :)

Challenging for sure!

I enjoy experimental music, I think the only way to get somewhere is through breaking the rules and conventions and trying to bring something new to the mix of existing genres! This is not exactly the kind of music I'd listen to on a daily basis, however I'll try my best to review fairly, a promise's a promise right? :)

Also, take this review with a bit of a grain of salt, as in, take it for what it is: another's musicians thoughts on this song. Don't take anything I'm about to write as something to follow or to apply without hesitation; I'm just stating my opinion, nothing more, nothing less :P

Even though it sounds chaotic at first, it's actually pretty well organized, drums seem to follow some logic, which is nice to hear. I liked the guitar taking over the bass and drums, it gave an interesting twist, enjoyed that!

I felt the song was a bit repetitive, I'd liked to have seen more harmonies come in at some point, maybe some very light piano playing low notes could have fit, although that's up to you to decide, it's your song after all!

Mixing-wise, it was fair. I agree with both reviewers below, the drums need a higher presence, the atmosphere you have present is nice but seems very bass-oriented, some more prominent drums and cymbals would help bring the mix up a notch. It also perhaps lacks a bit of spice in the higher-ends of the spectrum, but that may be just me :0

In any case, overall composition was good, needs improvement for sure, but it's already got quite a lot of value and definitely has potential. I like to throw in inexpected elements into my songs when I can, it sets it apart from others and really makes it shine if used right, which I think you accomplished quite well ;)

DexiAntoniu responds:

I'm a bass player, most of what I do starts from the bass, so that explains some bits.

Will try to address the repetitiveness, at least make things clearer for the section starting 1:43.

You have very fair points, I'm just afraid to touch this thing again because it was made in a brilliant moment of inspiration, and I'm afraid ever touching this will ruin the general atmosphere and what the song means for me, as it reflects an interior state I had at that moment.

But I will try, this is my craft after all...

Thank you very much for the review!

It's good, but it has a lot of issues which drag it down quite a bit.

Before I start, let me tell you I'm no expert, just a home musician trying to make some stuff, composing is just my hobby! Also, please note this only reflects my opinion, therefore don't take me for the ultimate critic :)

One big problem I have with this track is the overall feeling of this song. I feel like the whole track is very empty. While you have several layers, I can hear every single instrument playing, it doesn't feel like you're at the orchestra with a full esemble playing right before you, and to me this is very important if I want to make cinematic music. There are a couple of tricks to fill in the empty space: first, add some more layers! Make sure you don't leave the softer brass out (basoons, horns, tubas...)! Try using plucked instruments (a harp?), some more unconventional instruments (a harpsichord, who knows, it could work if you put it very lightly there), or maybe some more percussion (tribal percussion would be nice here!) or you know, anything, really! Go wild, experiment, and see what works and what doesn't. Don't be afraid to try out new things, you can always roll back your changes if you don't like them!

Another issue I have is with the drums, while they are often used in cinematic compositions, I'm not sure if they are entirely needed. Perhaps they are a little bit too present to my taste? When the big hall kicks came in, I felt like they took over everything else. They should probably be a little longer too (try adding a reverb effect if you have limited samples), and feel like a base to support the other instruments.

Melody-wise, it's good, even though those are some very overused chords, they fit, even so I feel like on a whole it's a very repetitive experience. I felt like there should have been a chord change somewhere to highlight a different idea instead of keeping the original chorus. I liked your breakdown at 0:55, too! :)

Another thing I would personally have changed is the arp, it feels very repetitive and would be a lot more interesting if it changed somewhere along the way ;)

Again, I'm not expert, only been composing orchestral for the past 2 years as a hobby, nothing more! Don't worry if you can't grasp everything imediately. Take your time to listen to your song throughoutly and see what you like, dislike, would change or remove about your music, and keep doing that. I have about 3-4 unreleased ideas that are on the verge of completetion, yet I am not feeling they are quite done yet. Maybe I'm a little too much exigent and demanding with myself, but that's just me! Point is, keep experimenting, and keep listening to your tracks. Don't haste yourself to release things, because that will only result in something of lower quality.

Another tip to improving your skills are just to listen to other composers! If you want to have a solid base I suggest you go and hear some compositions by people such as Mozart, Bach, and other more contemporaneous artists like Two Steps From Hell, Ludovico Einaudi, and others! These are just some of my favorites. But don't limit yourself to that! Listen to everything you can, even if you don't like it. I feel that to have a good understanding of music it is important to have a very varied music library to listen to. I like orchestral, but I also like drum and bass, I like jazz, rock, ska and raggae! The more you listen to, the more versatile your compositions will become. Take influences from other genres to enrich your own songs, that's what I like to do! :)

In any case, the song is solid but really just lacks in several areas.
I'll be following you in the future! If you have any questions feel free to reply and even send me a PM when you do, I'll gladly answer any questions you may have to the best of my ability, I'm always looking for other musicians to talk so if you ever feel like popping by! :)

Good luck, and thank you for your contribution to the portal!

SteveSyz responds:

Thanks for your advice!! I dont have the music packs yet as im still using the program samples, but i definitely understand what you mean. I am missing depth and i will learn soon enough!

Your students must be so lucky! I can only dream of a teacher composing stuff for us :3

The song reflects a pretty careless state of mind, going on with life as if nothing mattered, just moving on, day after day, and keep going forever! It sure brightened up my day! :)

The reason I didn't give it a perfect score is because, even though it is a loop, I wish it was longer! I would really have liked an extra minute or two.

The arrangement is pretty seamless, it loops properly, and it stays cohesive throughout, even after the little surprise! Nothing feels out of place or context. It just works.

I also liked how the drums were mixed with the rest, present but not overwhelming, and how you managed to keep the guitar upfront instead of it being muffled by the rest with that extra brightness on the high ends.

Overall, everything flows really well to make a really cohesive song structure that brings new elements along the way, and even though it is a bit short to my liking, it's pretty awesome. Thank you, thank you! :)

Bosa responds:

No, thank YOU! Your review is very insightful.


I'm quite amazed! This is brilliant, to say the least. Everything feels in place. There's an interesting sense of light anxiety all throughout the song which give it a weird and unsettling tone.

The piano is simply perfect. It has a simple but well laid-out melody. It sounds a bit muffled and dark, adding to the atmosphere. With the addition of strings later on, the song gains another layer of contrast which really manage to elevate the track to a completely different level.

The drums... wow! I must say those are probably the clearest drums I've heard in a while. The mastering was really professional. They rendered beautifully on my monitors... nothing to add.

I enjoyed how the song also manages to make you feel that pinch of loneliness, of a monotonic, boring, and perhaps melancholic life, forever drifting away into a sea of nothingness. I haven't heard a track of this caliber from you in a while... kudos to you!

Overall a very solid track, simple, engaging, stunning. I must say I really enjoyed the very minimalist approach. Very, very good. You really deserve your five stars!

Cinovox responds:

Thanks lemon42. I'm glad you liked it, it's definitely a different turn for me. I like making this sort of stuff, but I don't like the fact you can't dance to it! :D

I noticed like the fellow reviewer below me that you unfortunately went by unnoticed. Came by to pop in a review for you!

I haven't played Majora's Mask either but I have heard the original before, and I must say holy cow! This is magnificent. I find your take on it rather interesting. I mean, the original starts all dark and dissonant, and has very harsh and odd-sounding synths and instruments playing. Yours on the other hand has taken the melody apart and completely shifted tone on a lighter, calmer version. Kinda surprised me!

I can't really criticize much on the composition side of things as well, this is video game music. However I must say that your version of it truly shines.

One thing that I'd love to see though is a longer, extended and polished song starting from this. I mean, you've got the original copied and remade. Now, try bringing in your own melodies and giving it that extra flavor that will really set it apart from others!

Looking forward to it!
Awesome stuff!

headphoamz responds:

Hey lemon, you are awesome! Thanks so much for reviewing this. I'd love to try sometime to add more to it, that's a good idea. ^_^

Just, wow!

You managed to take me right in with that intro! Phenomenal. It was just really slow and very calm and built up perfectly. Maybe a tad too long? I guess that's a matter of personal taste.

All the instruments seem to be brought in seamlessly and very slowly, which amplifies the epicness effect on the listener.

One thing I'm really disappointed about is that what seems to be the chorus of the song only comes at the end and really doesn't stay long. I'm not saying it should be longer, but maybe come in quicker? I wasn't expecting the intro to take so long.

Sadly there isn't much to say aside from that, the intro itself takes a big chunk of the song. I could describe how the song flows but doesn't really add anything to the review.

Those drums were epic too! Did they come from Evolve? Great music man, great music!
Can't wait to see what you've got cooking next. Keep it up!

Warhector responds:

lemon42, thanks man :D
There is nothing much to learn other than make the music, I guess. Thanks for reviewing. The epic drums is not entirely from Evolve. Only the bass drum. It may be possible to add a first "chorus" before the last build up? Intercept in 02:49 maybe... and shorten the intro a bit. I think I shouldn't edit to much tho.

Interesting for sure!

It's nice to see some compositions with some different instruments every once in a while, really refreshing!

Before I start though, I just need to say that this is my first time reviewing an orchestral piece. I find it very difficult to say things about it so I'll try to be as concise as possible. Sorry for any accidental slips.

I must say I really enjoyed this track. It feels right and has a very simple theme. It kinda takes you to some sort of adventure, maybe on a jeep in the desert going by, and seeing the native populations living on the sides... wow.

I have one question though, were those off-key notes intended? It kinda disturbed me at first, but then after listening without actually paying attention to the track they weren't really noticeable. Are those intentional, to accentuate the eastern side of things maybe?

In any case I really like the way the song just goes from full blast to slower bits to faster, all of that seamlessly. It's quite a challenge to create transitions that don't feel too brutal, especially in orchestral.

For being so short on deadline, you did good too! Great stuff, can't wait for more! :)

Step responds:

Heyyy, thanks for reviewing!

"Interesting for sure!"

Aw yisss.

"It's nice to see some compositions with some different instruments every once in a while, really refreshing!"

I agree. Instrumentation is one of the main things that can distinguish your piece, and while I don't have a huge amount of samples at my disposal, I try and make an effort to make my pieces a little less "standard". Keyword being try...

"Before I start though, I just need to say that this is my first time reviewing an orchestral piece. I find it very difficult to say things about it so I'll try to be as concise as possible. Sorry for any accidental slips."

It hardly looks like your first time reviewing orchestral, don't worry about it!

"I must say I really enjoyed this track. It feels right and has a very simple theme. It kinda takes you to some sort of adventure, maybe on a jeep in the desert going by, and seeing the native populations living on the sides... wow."

The whole "takes you to some sort of adventure" thing might be because I try and give my tracks a bit of dynamic motion. Having dynamics is important if you want to tell a story.

"I have one question though, were those off-key notes intended? It kinda disturbed me at first, but then after listening without actually paying attention to the track they weren't really noticeable. Are those intentional, to accentuate the eastern side of things maybe?"

Hm... well, the only off-key notes I can think of are the vibrato notes on the Dan Tranh, which were in the samples themselves. There are also a few notes that sound "dissonant" when played above the chord progression, like 0:19. Those are intentional; I wanted them to sound off-putting and ominous, and what better way to do that then to make them sound ear-piercingly dissonant ^_^.

Other than that I'm not aware of any other off-key moments. I'm half-deaf and I suspect that it's a detriment to my ability to recognise tones and pitches (because I also consequently can't sing at ALL) so I might be missing them. Or maybe I'm just stoopid :3.

"In any case I really like the way the song just goes from full blast to slower bits to faster, all of that seamlessly. It's quite a challenge to create transitions that don't feel too brutal, especially in orchestral."

Haha that's something I do ALL THE TIME. People have complained about it in the past sometimes actually. Sometimes I get reviews telling me that my changes from soft to loud and vice versa are too drastic and overblown. I kinda like hearing that dynamic contrast though so I don't think I'll ever be able to get out of the habit.

"For being so short on deadline, you did good too! Great stuff, can't wait for more! :)"

Thanks a million for the helpful review! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


Pierre Bondoerffer @lemon42

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