Alright, let's listen to this track and... ahhh! What's this?!
Mastering is quite terrible and I'm sorry to say it but it is. You really need to work on that point: improve your mastering, and that'll really upgrade the listening experience tons. This was probably the biggest issue with the track: the sound is just too overpowered and goes over the 0db mark everytime there is a kick and distorts the kick sound. An easy way to fix this is by adding a limiter over your master mixer track, however I suggest you don't, it makes it sound very amateurish. Master your tracks yourself, find tutorials online... anything helps, really!
Composition wise, seems fine. I'm not a complextro expert, but this definitely fits the house genre. Don't know what kind of house, but it surely is. Though, whenever I listen to house I tend to expect smooth songs. Don't know, it's just personal taste.
Everything else looks fine. Maybe the high pitched sweeps are a bit too high pitched.
Good work, you're getting there. Liking it, but keep practicing! As the proverb says, practice makes perfect! You can never have enough of it! :)